US Headlines

Are you skipping a meal a day? Then, you are probably feeling boosted up now!

Researchers are saying that if you are someone who tends to skip a meal a day, then you can retain more energy in your body. 

It can be either your breakfast or your lunch, snack, or dinner; if you can skip any of them, then you will remain more motivated to work out and stay active than you were ever. Even if you can cut down on your evening snacking habits, you can take a step ahead to stay active. 

According to the research, after staying without food for some period of time, the levels of a hunger hormone and tend to boost the energy level which does not let you lag behind. 

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The Japanese scientists have tested the research practically on two mice, to see its results. There were two pairs of mice, among which, one pair was given full-appetite food and the other pair was made to skip a meal. At the end of the day, it was seen that the one pair of mice who skipped a meal, were more active, than the one pair, which did not skip any meals. 

Hence proved, that you will be able to enjoy a boost of energy, and exercise more if got skip a meal a day. 

About the author

Samantha Fox

Samantha is the oldest author of as she is one of the good friends of Kimberly, and when Kimberly had the idea to start the website, she is the one who supported her, and she has been standing by her side in all ups and downs. She manages to write the latest US headlines on the website and working more on proofing all the publications as well to offer the best to the readers. She does the editing and proofreading part mostly as she is the best when it comes to the Language.

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