US Headlines

London’s knife murder rate surpasses last year’s as two teenage boys are stabbed within five hours

Earlier on Thursday, two teenage boys were stabbed, one of them is already dead, while the is still surviving at the hospital. 

The first victim was a 15-year-old schoolboy named, Baptista Adjie, who was a resident of Woolwich, South East London. 

The young boy was stabbed in front of Stratford’s McDonald’s of East London when there was daylight. According to the reports, the boy was wearing a school uniform, when found dead, in front of McDonald’s. 

The teenager’s family confirmed that the boy has called up his mother just a few minutes back before he was attacked around 3:20 pm. 

Another boy of the same age who was also friends with Baptista was also stabbed on the same day. However, the boy is now stable in the hospital and is slowly recovering. 

According to the reports given by the police, Baptista was probably stabbed during the chaos when a fight was happening on the bus. 

Leading to the incident, the police arrested a 15-year old boy on Friday night, suspecting him to have committed the act of murder. They even handed him over to the East London Police Station for inquiries. 

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Talking about suspects, the teenager’s family confirmed that Baptista was a fun-loving boy so it is not possible for him to have any kind of enemies. 

About the author

Samantha Fox

Samantha is the oldest author of as she is one of the good friends of Kimberly, and when Kimberly had the idea to start the website, she is the one who supported her, and she has been standing by her side in all ups and downs. She manages to write the latest US headlines on the website and working more on proofing all the publications as well to offer the best to the readers. She does the editing and proofreading part mostly as she is the best when it comes to the Language.

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